lisbon city

Meet The Man Behind The Screen

Howdy there, it’s Jordan Alexo! I am a Portuguese digital marketer currently living in the beautiful and sunny city of Lisbon.

Wow… how has life changed! I can now wake up knowing I made money while I slept, grab a cup of coffee in the morning, fire up my PC, and work from home comfortably.

This may sound like heaven on earth for some people. But I didn’t get here from one day to another without paying its costs.

A Short Story About My Dream

A few years ago, I graduated with in “arts culinary.” My biggest dream was to one day become a top chef. I always had grand ambitions. Although, this one lasted only a short time.

I mainly enjoyed the idea of being the next kitchen star like Gordon Ramsay and seeing myself one-day having several restaurants, casting TV shows, etc. Another is when you start working 16 hours per day, have little time for your family, and don’t have the Christmas season, Summer, and all the rest.

And the constant stress of dealing with people from all sidewalks and working in a blazing hot kitchen hotter than the deepest pits of Hell, combined with an underpaid monthly salary that only allowed me to afford a room in an apartment with four other guys. People don’t talk about that on TV shows, do they?

The truth is many chefs work long hours, some take cocaine to handle their workload, and often they are divorced and all and all; I didn’t want that for me.

So after three years, I decided to throw in the towel and began searching online for ways to make money. And that was how everything started.

Road Into The Online World

I soon found that you could make money with small and ugly-looking niche websites selling products from other people. It sounded like a brilliant idea! Crap, I don’t need to create anything! Just make a website and slap some trashy posts promoting items I could care little about.

Sign me in, and let’s make money like there’s no tomorrow! Gosh, I was so naive! I thought I could build a business to sustain my life in two months.

At this point, I was jobless, living in a rented room. I soon learned that my old laptop, that spitting smoke, wasn’t going to make it. I had to spend the little money I had on a new one. After a month, my wallet and bank account were dry, and my new site made zero dollars.

Then with no gusto, I returned to my parents’ house. At least it wasn’t in their basement since they didn’t have one.

I continued building thrashy websites, and some of them made sporadic sales here and there. But nothing that could sustain a living. Honestly, I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. Also, my idea of making money quickly blinded me from building a real business.

Instead, it kept me jumping from one scheme to another.

I did this for a year or two until 2013, when I created a YouTube channel called “Prositetorials;” Where I taught people how to use WordPress through video tutorials.

Eventually, my channel earned more than the minimum wage in my country with Google Adsense. But I wanted more!

I quickly became bored talking about WordPress and tired of people leaving comments saying, “Oh… I thought I read Prostitut3 Tutorials!” Gosh! Every single week, I got one of those comments.

Plus, I had broken up with my ex-girlfriend, and I felt it was time to change my direction. Once more, I returned to my old friend Google and creatively searched for “ways to make money online.”

And blog after blog offered ideas, and the one that struck my mind was, * drum roll*, “Kindle Publishing.” This consists of building a book publishing business on Amazon.

You publish books on their platform and have the opportunity to earn royalties. The great part is you don’t need to worry about getting customers or driving traffic.

So, I decided to go all in and learn as much as humanly possible and invested in a KDP course. And seven months later, and after eleven failed books, my business was making more money than I ever did in my entire life.

Besides, my business was consistently making dough on autopilot. Still, to this day, I consider self-publishing one of the best passive income opportunities online.

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

So after years of struggle, I was finally making big dough. I rented a place for myself, went on vacations, and life was good. But soon, I became complacent and lazy and stopped doing the things that made me successful.

Although I knew back then, someday I would hit rock bottom again. I kept on postponing that moment, and then… boom! Kobid came and blew out my book business founded on shaky sand. 

It went from making thousands of dollars per month to zero overnight. Because people no longer wanted to purchase diet books. Instead, they were more worried about diseases and their financial situation.

Once again, I had to start from scratch and rebuild a new business. I have always loved the idea of having a successful blog. But this time, I was focused on creating value.

So my focus has been on learning everything about blogging, from SEO to writing engaging content and specializing in digital marketing.

What Is Jordan Alexo Blog About?

In Jordan Alexo’s blog, you can expect to see my evaluation of tools I enjoyed using for my business. Often these tools are related to online marketing and blogging, and some are powered by artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is an intriguing and controversial topic that will revolutionize our world. With the help of AI, we can develop efficient solutions that can transform how people work.

You can also find more in-depth guides about blogging, digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and website development. Plus, I share my personal experience of online entrepreneurship and the strategies that helped me earn passive income.

So if you want to skyrocket your online business, learn more about digital marketing and blogging, or simply read inspiring stories. Jordan Alexo’s blog is the place for you! Welcome!

Meet Jordan Alexo’s Team

To have a website running and keep pumping high-quality content like it was on steroids,  you need an experienced team. Here’s the group of people that make Jordan Alexo tick.

Founder and Digital Marketer – Jordan Alexo


With over a decade of experience in the digital marketing world and a specialist in self-publishing, Jordan Alexo is the founder of

He has experience as a content creation specialist and web marketing strategist. He’s passionate about helping online businesses integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning into their operations.

Jasper AI – Writer Assistant

jasper friend 1

Jasper ai an artificial intelligence assistant that helps Jordan Alexo write high-quality content faster.

With a focus on blogging, Jasper helps create content optimized for search engine rankings and engagement on social media.

That’s Jasper working hard on his desktop.

Grammarly – Editing Assistant


Grammarly is a proofreader that helps Jordan Alexo ensure accuracy and consistency in all his writings.

It’s also an invaluable tool for improving readability, helping content creators quickly recognize and fix common mistakes.

Surfer SEO – Search Optimization Specialist


Surfer SEO is a search engine optimization tool that helps Jordan Alexo optimize content for search engines.

It gives data-driven insights into keyword research and competitor analysis, helping him create content that ranks higher in search engines.

Freelance Writers


Jordan Alexo works with a talented group of freelance writers to create content for his website. They come from all different backgrounds, allowing him to have a wide range of perspectives and voices on any given topic.

He’s also able to tap into their knowledge and expertise when needed.