Blogging Fatigue – I’m Exhausted (7 Tips To Refresh Yourself)
Last Updated on June 10, 2023 by Jordan Alexo
Ever hit a wall with your blog, feeling like you’re running on empty? You are not alone! Every blogger, at some point, grapples with the monster known as blogging fatigue.
The creative juices stop flowing, the keyboard seems daunting, and inspiration seems to be on an indefinite vacation. But fear not!
In this guide, I’ll share seven powerful strategies to re-energize yourself. From taking breaks, getting out of your comfort zone, and organizing your working schedule.
So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s jump right in!
Key Takeaways
- Blogging Fatigue: Like any activity, blogging can become monotonous over time. Whether you’re blogging as a hobby or a business, it’s normal to feel uninspired or exhausted occasionally. It’s crucial to reassess your purposes and maintain a mindset that aligns with your long-term goals.
- Side Effects of Blogging: Blogging, especially when done extensively, can cause mental exhaustion, loneliness, and physical health issues due to prolonged periods of sitting and screen exposure.
- Overcoming Blogging Fatigue: There are various ways to overcome blogging tiredness, such as getting out of your comfort zone, taking regular breaks, maintaining physical fitness, sleeping well, using AI tools, setting realistic goals, and staying organized.
- Long-term Perspective: Blogging is a long-term commitment that requires patience, persistence, and resilience. Keeping sight of your long-term goals can be a powerful motivator, especially during challenging times.
Learn how to speed up your content creation 10x with the best AI writers out there.
Why Is Blogging No Longer Exciting?

It’s like anything else in life!
- The first someone goes to a nightclub; they may feel excited and thrilled. After your one-hundredth visit, it might not feel as special anymore.
- The first time you play a video game, it’s new, exciting, and challenging. After your one-hundredth hour, it may start to feel repetitive and boring.
See, the same thing happens with blogging. Everything starts as a novelty and an exciting experience. But as time passes, it can become monotonous.
Many Bloggers May Have A Wrong Mindset
One of the problems with blogging has to do with your mindset. Most people start blogging as a hobby or a passion project. However, after months or years of regularly posting, it can become more of a chore than a fun activity.
I didn’t start blogging for fun but rather to build a business. This makes it a whole new ball game!
I don’t write content because I love writing. In fact, most days, I wake up and don’t feel like writing at all. But for me, it’s a business. I’ll write no matter what because it’s essential for my business.
And don’t get me wrong! I, some days, feel exhausted and uninspired. I’m not a robot, after all.
However, I never started my blog to have an exciting experience every day. My fun is seeing my site grow and my business succeed.
Time To Reevaluate Your Blogging Goals
For this reason, if you don’t find blogging exciting anymore, you should reevaluate your purposes. Ask yourself:
- Is this something meant only as a hobby?
If yes, and you aren’t enjoying it anymore, it might be time to take a break or switch up your content and approach.
Otherwise, if you’re looking to build a sustainable online business, then not everything is always exciting. It’s work, baby, and sometimes it sucks.
But you should look at your blog as a long-term project. Instead, change your mindset from writing to having fun to:
- This may soon free me from my 5-to-9 job.
- I can pay off my debt.
- I can travel the world while eating cookies and working on my laptop.
When you see your blog as a means to achieve your long-term goals, it becomes easier to write and maintain.
What Are The Side Effects Of Blogging?

Let’s take a look at some common side effects:
1 – Mental Exhaustation
Writing day and night can have a hefty toll on your brain cells. Probably, not in your first week or month, but keep at it, and soon you might feel your head frying up.
Writing a gorgeous piece of content that grabs the reader’s attention isn’t easy. You often need to research, see what your competitors are up to, and then start spitting content to a blank text editor.
Also, if you’re serious about blogging, I’m not talking about someone who writes once every full moon; you must repeat this process over and over again.
All this causes mental fatigue. Especially if you’re like me, who has been writing a full year straight without a break (oops!).
2 – Loneliness
If you don’t have a team of homies or colleagues to work with, you might feel lonely in your blogging journey.
It’s you and your computer most of the time. Yes, you may have a few online friends, but it’s not the same as talking with someone face to face.
This, too, can drain you emotionally. We’re social creatures, and isolation can have negative impacts.
3 – Physical Health Effects
We simply weren’t meant to spend all our time sitting down, staring at a computer screen.
This lifestyle can cause physical health problems, such as weight gain, back pain, eye strain, and poor posture.
7 Ways To Overcome Your Blogging Tiredness

So, let’s see what you can do to snap out of your blogging fatigue:
1 – Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
As I said before, this can be one of the reasons you feel tired and drained from blogging.
It’s so easy to fall into a pit and become like a hermit, but it’s crucial to overcome isolation. Honestly, there’s no easy way. You need to get out of your comfort zone and connect with people.
You can subscribe to dance classes, boxing, cooking classes, or whatever interests you. Often the gym isn’t the best place to socialize. In most places, people go there to work out, not to make friends.
However, it depends on the gym and city you’re in. Also, most gyms have classes allowing you to connect with others, like Yoga, Pilates, or Zumba.
Anyway, you need to push yourself and make time for social activities to combat the loneliness and monotony of blogging.
2 – Take Breaks
If you’re trying to write but feel like your brain can’t take it anymore, take a break. Or just take a break every hour or so to stretch your legs, walk around, and get some fresh air.
However, don’t be like some people I know. They take a break and end up scrolling social media or playing video games for hours.
The best break is away from your computer.
3 – Do Exercise
I already mentioned the importance of physical activity. But I’d like to emphasize it again here.
You should find a physical activity you enjoy: yoga, running, weightlifting, or swimming.
Our bodies weren’t meant to spend all their waking hours sitting in front of a screen. In fact, it’s detrimental to our health.
For this reason, exercise can help combat the physical health effects that come with it.
Not only does exercise improve physical health, but it also has a positive impact on mental well-being. It pumps up endorphins, reduces stress levels, and boosts your mood.
4 – Get Enough Sleep
Sometimes sleeping may be an issue. For instance, you may feel overly tired but struggle to fall asleep at night. Or stress and anxiety may prevent you from getting a good night’s rest.
But without proper sleep, as you may imagine, blogging will become more challenging. It can feel like pulling teeth to write even a few sentences.
So to combat this, here are a few things that may help:
- Don’t consume caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime.
- Don’t eat heavy meals before bed.
- Have a regular sleeping schedule. Our body loves routine, and it’s essential for regulating the sleep-wake cycle.
- Listen to relaxing music before sleeping.
- Turn off your mobile, desktop, and television before going to bed. These devices light up and stimulate your brain, making it harder to fall asleep.
If you still struggle with sleep after this, consider speaking to a healthcare professional.
5 – Use Artificial Intelligence Tools
Nowadays, it’s like a few years ago when you had to do everything manually on your blog. You needed to write, edit, format, SEO, publish, etc.
However, technology has come a long way and can help you tremendously. I know some people may think, “I don’t want to collaborate with Skynet.”
But these tools are designed to assist you and make your life as a blogger easier. It helps you produce quality content faster without the stress of doing everything yourself.
Here are a few AI tools worth mentioning:
- AI Writers: These tools use artificial intelligence to write content for you based on specific keywords and topics you provide. For this, you have the king of the hill known as ChatGPT. You may use ChatGPT to help you write blog posts, give topic ideas or even create outlines for your writing. Other similar tools include Writesonic, Jasper AI, and Jenni AI.
- AI Editors: These tools use AI to help you edit and proofread your content for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and even tone. The most popular ones are Grammarly and Hemingway Editor.
- AI SEO tools: These tools use AI to help you with search engine optimization. They analyze your content and provide suggestions on how to improve it. I suggest Neuronwriter or Surfer SEO.
Although these tools aren’t perfect, they can save you some brain cells from burning out. Anyway, if you’d like to learn more, read this post about the best AI writers out there!
So, if you’re exhausted from manually writing and editing your blog posts, consider trying these AI tools. Most of them have a free trial, so there’s no harm in giving them a shot and seeing how they can help you.
6 – Set Realistic Goals
Sometimes without noticing, we set unrealistic goals like wanting to publish a blog post every day when we have a full-time job and a family to take care of.
However, doing these makes us feel overwhelmed and stressed, leading to burnout.
That’s why you may need to tune down your expectations and set realistic goals for yourself.
Instead of trying to post every day, maybe aim for twice or three times a week. Or, if you’re struggling to write long-form content, try writing shorter, more concise blog posts.
You can always publish your content online and later update it with more information.
I prefer to start smaller and gradually build up. When you first start writing, you don’t have the same skill set or experience as someone who has been grinding for years.
My first goal was to write ten posts in my first month. And then, I increased it gradually, and now I write over twenty posts a month.
But this process allowed me to grow my skill set and experience, and now I can produce quality content more efficiently.
7 – Organize Your Work
Often when people start working at home, many fall into the trap of being disorganized. I mean, if you’re used to having a boss or manager who sets deadlines and tells you what to do, it can be challenging to switch to a self-managed system.
However, being disorganized may cause blogging fatigue; Because you have to spend time figuring out what you need to do next or what you should be working on.
I like to keep it simple. I have a Google Sheet where I list all my blog post ideas. I also know what posts I need to write each week.
Also, I set days to write content, others to produce YouTube videos, and others for outreach and promotion.
So, you should do something similar. Let’s say you start by creating a to-do list for each day or week, including tasks such as researching topics, writing an outline, drafting the post, editing, and publishing it.
This helps you to stay focused and productive.
Last Thoughts
Blogging can free you from your 5-9 job and give you financial freedom. Of course, it all depends on your goals.
However, it can quickly tear you down because of the isolation of working from home and needing to create new content consistently.
And often, you work your ass off and don’t see any results for months.
But you shouldn’t give up! You have several ways to mitigate blogging fatigue from:
- Setting realistic goals and expectations
- Taking breaks and giving yourself time off
- Doing physical exercise
- Utilizing AI tools to alleviate some of the work
- And finding places to socialize face-to-face with other people
You should see your blog as a long-term investment and not always a thrilling experience. In particular, if you’re trying to build an online business.
So, if you’re tired of blogging, then you need to look at what’s causing the fatigue and try some of the techniques suggested here to overcome it.
If you have any questions feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading!
Don’t forget to read “33 Essential Blogging Tips For New Bloggers” Click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
1 – What are the weaknesses of blogging?
The most common problems with blogging:
- Time-Consuming: Writing high-quality blog content takes time. You must research, write, edit, and promote your blog post.
- Consistency Required: You need to publish content to grow an audience consistently. This can sometimes lead to burnout or blogging fatigue.
- SEO Challenges: It can be quite technical to optimize your blog for search engines. You need to learn SEO and stay updated with the frequent algorithm changes.
- Slow Start: It often takes about six to twelve months to see significant traffic and income.
- Content Saturation: With millions of blogs online, finding unique topics and making your content stand out can be challenging.
3 – Why do bloggers quit?
Well, bloggers give up for many different reasons. However, the most common ones include:
- Blogging Fatigue: Constantly needing to create fresh, high-quality content can lead to burnout.
- Lack of Immediate Results: Most people want to see fast results, but blogging takes time. Often this discourages many beginners.
- Technical Difficulties: You need to learn to use several tools. So, it may be challenging for some people.
- Personal Reasons: Sometimes, changes in personal life or a shift in interests or priorities can cause bloggers to quit.
3 – Can you really make a living with a blog?
Yes, it’s entirely possible to make a living with a blog. According to a study done by, which involved questioning 1000 bloggers about their earnings:
- A significant 81% revealed that they never earned more than $100 from their blogging efforts.
- Only 9% managed to generate enough income to maintain their personal lifestyle, dedicating 4 to 6 hours per day to blogging.
- A minority of 8% were successful enough to earn sufficient income to support a family through their blog.
- An exclusive 2% of bloggers reported impressive earnings of over $150K while only investing 1-2 hours daily into their blogs.