
How To Cure Writer’s Block Fast (9 Easy Strategies)

Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by Jordan Alexo

Do you ever experience writer’s block? You know that feeling when you want to write, but the words don’t come out? It’s a common experience for writers, from amateur to professional.

The fact is writer’s block is a “myth.” Yes, you heard me correctly! Often it’s just a matter of stress, overthinking, or lack of inspiration.

So, in this blog post, I’ll share with you several proven strategies to shatter your writer’s block in no time. From changing your environment to freewriting, outlining, and taking breaks – I’ve got you covered. Let’s get the ball rolling!

Key Takeaways

  1. Writer’s block is a common experience for writers, caused by fear of failure, lack of inspiration or creativity, boredom, and other reasons.
  2. A fantastic technique to overcome writer’s block is to write without concern about quality or what others may think.
  3. Distractions can hinder writing; removing them can help achieve better focus and concentration.
  4. Perfectionism can also cause writer’s block, and writers should learn to be imperfect and make mistakes.
  5. Procrastination and fear of failure may lead to writer’s block, but pushing through and practicing writing can help overcome it.
  6. Strategies to overcome writer’s block include free writing, changing the environment, setting realistic goals, using prompts, seeking feedback, and taking breaks.
  7. Reading in English can help improve writing skills, and practicing regularly is vital to becoming a better writer.

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What Is Writer’s Block?

A common thing among writers is that feeling that no matter what you do, “you can’t seem to write.” It’s like your brain is completely clogged, and the words won’t flow.

It may happen for many reasons, such as:

  • Fear of failure or criticism
  • Lack of motivation
  • The topic at hand is boring.

Anyway, experiencing writer’s block may affect your productivity and creativity. But don’t worry, because there are several things you can do to overcome it.

What Is The Cause Of Writer’s Block?

Before we get our feet wet, let’s briefly talk about the reasons behind writer’s block.

1 – Lack Of Inspiration Or Creativity

One of the main causes of writer’s block is a lack of inspiration and not feeling creative enough. So you don’t feel all that excited about writing, and you don’t move forward with your writing.

But that’s the wrong move! Instead of not writing anything, do the opposite. You should start writing without feeling overly concerned about the quality of your writing or worrying about what others may think.

You’ll notice soon your creativity and inspiration will come back. For this reason, start writing like it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad.

2 – Too Many Distractions

Writing requires focus and concentration. If you have your phone constantly buzzing with notifications or loud music playing in the background, it can be challenging to get into the writing flow.

Initially, one thing I did to cut all distractions was to install an app called “Cold Turkey.” With this app, I blocked social media websites, video games, and other non-essential websites.

It felt hard at the beginning, but it was worth it! By removing all those distractions, I could focus on my writing and finally enter my writing flow more easily.

Also, the more you practice writing, the easier it becomes to tap into your creativity and get inspired.

3 – Lack Of Writing Skills

Not everyone is a born writer, nor is everyone a fluent English speaker. But this doesn’t mean you can’t become a better writer!

I always share my story because I struggled to write when I started online a decade ago. See, English isn’t my first language, and often it took me five more hours to write a 500-word article full of grammatical errors and awkward phrasing.

Back then, you didn’t have Grammarly or AI writers to make things easier. However, I kept pushing myself to practice. I also spent hours reading boring Grammars and writing books, but it was worth it!

One thing that helped me improve my technique was the rule of “only reading books written in English.”

The more you read books in English, the more your mind starts to absorb and understand the language’s structure, grammar, tone, and style.

4 – Wanting To Be A Perfectionist

A common struggle many writers have is wanting to be a perfectionist. They want their content to be flawless, often leading to writer’s block. You’re so in your head that you become paralyzed and can’t seem to write anything.

Or any time you write something you feel isn’t good enough, you end up deleting it, which only makes you more paranoid. See, most readers won’t nitpick over every little detail, but as writers, we can be our own worst critics.

So learn to be imperfect, allow yourself to make mistakes, and as they say, practice makes perfect. But to practice, you must write regularly and have people read and provide feedback.

I rather pump out seven blog posts in a week than spend a week perfecting one. I’ll end the week with seven times more content and increase the likelihood of finding new readers.

5 – Procrastination

Starting to write, just the thought itself is scary and may cause you to procrastinate. You may fear your writing won’t be good enough and what people may think of it. And you tell yourself, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”

But tomorrow comes, and you still feel stuck. It’s normal to feel anxious, but that fear shouldn’t stop you from writing.

When I restarted writing for Jordan Alexo, it took me three weeks to muster the courage. The task ahead seemed scary, and each time I started to write, I felt rusty, like my writing had no flow and my sentences were choppy.

But I kept pushing through, eventually overcoming my writer’s block.

9 Easy Strategies To Overcome Writer’s Block

I already explained a few strategies for overcoming writer’s block, but let’s go more in-depth on nine ways to crack through it.

1 – Free Writing

free writing

You probably have heard the term “drive like you stole it.” Well, it’s time to write as you stole it. This consists of setting a timer and just writing whatever comes to your mind without worrying about grammar and structure.

Also, you don’t need to publish this content. Just let the words flow. This helps you unblock your possible “perfectionist” habit and get your creative juices flowing.

2 – Change Your Environment

Sometimes changing your environment may help you get out of your writer’s block. In particular, if you live in a noisy place where your neighbor’s dog barks all day, consider going to a library with your laptop.

Or you may even change to a more peaceful place in your home or office. At least for me, I find it hard to concentrate when there’s a lot of noise around.

Another trick is to put your headphones on and listen to some relaxing music to help you focus.

3 – Write At Your Peak Time

ideal timing

My peak time goes from the beginning of the morning until around noon. After that, my mood for writing decreases. I can still write, but I feel tired and unmotivated.

But each person has a different peak time of productivity. For example, some people work better at night, while others need to wake up at 5 am to get their creative process.

So, find out your best writing time and schedule your writing sessions during that moment.

4 – Use An AI Writer

One thing that can help you destroy your writer’s block is using an AI writer. I know many people have mixed feelings about this, but hear me out!

First, an AI writer isn’t meant to replace you but to assist you in your writing process. So, don’t think you won’t need to write because you have started using one.

Using an AI writer can help you generate ideas, research information, and even write your first drafts.

At the moment, I’ve been testing Jenni AI. This tool is fantastic because it gives me auto-suggestions while I’m writing, which helps me when I can’t find the right words.

As you can see in the image below:

jenni ai writer

So working side-by-side with an AI writer can dramatically reduce your mental fatigue and help you become more productive.

Since I started using these tools, I have been able to write more content in less time. Also, I usually had writer’s block because of mental exhaustion, but now I no longer have that struggle.

5 – Take a Break

take a break

Sometimes your writer’s block has to do with overworking and stress. For this reason, taking a break can help you refresh your mind.

During your breaks, do something unrelated to writing, like taking a walk in the park, listening to music, playing video games, or hitting the gym for a quick workout session.

Often I take a day off from writing to recharge my batteries. This is a great way to avoid burning your brain and to come back stronger and with a new perspective on your writing.

6 – Have Blog Post Templates

If you run a blog, you should have templates for your post structures. Possibly, there’s the same for a book writer.

After a while, you realize that there’s a pattern to most post types. For instance, a “Product Review” normally has the following:

  • Introduction
  • A brief overview of the product
  • Who developed the product
  • Main features
  • Pros and cons
  • Pricing
  • Last Thoughts

Using templates can help you save a lot of time because you don’t have to think about your post’s structure.

The only post type that changes is “How-to,” which can have many different structures based on the topic. Also, always have a good outline prepared before you start writing.

So have pre-made templates for your blog posts, books, or whatever type of writing you usually do so you don’t have to write from scratch.

7 – Use A Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro Clock

You can use a Pomodoro clock to help you manage your time better and focus on writing without distractions.

I enjoy to use You set 25-minute breaks where you cut all distractions. During these sessions, you focus entirely on writing. You have no mobile or social media notifications or any other interruptions.

I find this a great way to train your mind to stay focused on tasks for a specific amount of time. One of the problems people have nowadays is short attention spans.

Mostly because they have gained the habit of getting interrupted by social media notifications, messages, or emails.

Furthermore, these platforms have been built to keep you hooked up by providing you with a constant supply of content. For this reason, it’s important to rebuild new and better habits.

To become successful, one must be able to concentrate for extended periods without distractions. After your 25-minute sessions, you may take a 5 to 10-minute break. Use this break to get outside and smell some fresh air or any other activity that isn’t in front of your computer or phone.

8 – Keep A Writing Journal

Another technique you can use is to have a personal journal. I have an online journal where I write down my struggles and experiences. It doesn’t need to be about writing or anything related.

The idea is to simply have a place to upload your thoughts and clear your mind freely. Also, sometimes our problem and reason we struggle to write are that we have too much going on in our mind. Or are worried about what other people might think about our writing.

You don’t need to worry about any of that with a personal journal! This place is just for you, with no audience judging or evaluating the content.

Besides, once you start writing there, your mind often starts to clear, and you may gain new ideas on what topics to write about.

9 – Find a Writing Partner

find a partner

Finding a writing partner is an excellent way for someone to bounce ideas off of and hold you accountable. Your writing partner can be someone close to you, or it might also be someone from another blog or community.

You can also join writing groups or online communities where you can find support and feedback.

Anyway, having someone to push and motivate you can help you stay on track.

Last Thoughts

So there are some tips to increase your productivity and help you overcome your annoying writer’s block. Remember that this is a common struggle that affects writers from all levels.

You can use templates, set a Pomodoro clock and take breaks, keep a writing journal, and find a partner or support group. All these techniques can help you get back on track and start writing again.

Also, the environment where you write can play an important role. If you live in a noisy area, move to another place in your home where it’s quieter. Or, if possible, try renting a workspace where you can work without distractions.

So, don’t quit now that you have experienced writer’s block. It’s only a temporary situation and “myth” that you can overcome.

If you have any questions or tips, leave them right below. Jordan Alexo will reply to you shortly. Thanks for reading!

Writer’s Block – FAQ

Let’s look at a few frequently asked questions about writer’s block.

1 – Do Professional writers suffer from writer’s block?

Yes, professional writers also suffer from writer’s block occasionally. It’s a common situation that affects writers of all levels of experience.

2 – Is writer’s block ADHD?

No, writer’s block is not ADHD. While both conditions can affect focus and productivity, there are distinct from each other.

3 – Is writer’s block a form of anxiety?

Yes, writer’s block can sometimes be a form of anxiety. The pressure to produce high-quality content may make you overthink your writing, causing anxiety and the feeling that your content isn’t good enough.

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