15 blog post title ideas

15 Types of Blog Post Title Ideas For Beginners (Examples & Tips)

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Jordan Alexo

Your blog post title is more than just a few words. It’s your first impression, your hook to catch people’s attention. You could say it’s the difference between “Meh, maybe later” and “Wow, I need to read this now!”

A killer title doesn’t just attract eyeballs; it boosts your click-through rate (CTR). More clicks mean more readers, more shares, more engagement, and more money.

So, let’s talk about 15 proven types of blog post titles that are sure to grab more clicks. Let’s get started!

15 Quick Post Title Examples

This table gives you a quick reference for several blog post title types.

Blog Post Title TypeExamples
Listicle Title“10 Best Travel Destinations for 2023” “5 Must-Have Gadgets for Your Home Office”
How-to Title“How to Start a Successful Podcast from Scratch” “How to Write a Novel in 30 Days”
The Title with Parentheses or Brackets“Master the Art of Public Speaking (Free Workbook Included)” “10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity (Number 7 Will Surprise You)”
The Contrarian Title“Why Breakfast Isn’t the Most Important Meal of the Day” “Forget Everything You Know About Weight Loss”
The Answering Title“What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down on the Highway” “How to Respond When a Client Asks for a Discount”
The “Ultimate Guide” Title“The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Based Diets,” “The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Photoshop”
The “Secrets of” Title“Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs Revealed” “The Secrets of Making Perfect Pasta Every Time”
The “X Reasons Why” Title“5 Reasons Why You Should Start Meditating Today” “7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Social Media Strategy”
The “Best of” Title“11 Best of Vegan Restaurants in New York City” “9 Best of Budget-Friendly Vacation Destinations”
The “X Things You Need to Know” Title“10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Keto Diet” “5 Things You Need to Know About Buying Your First Home”
The “X Ways to” Title
“7 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Following” “5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health”
The “Review” Title“iPhone 11 Review 2023 – Should You Get It?” “ChatGPT Review – Is This AI Tool Worth It?”
The Inquisitive Title (What, Why, or How)“What is Bitcoin and How Does it Work?” or “Why You Should Start Meditating Today”
The Evidence-Based Title“15 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Instagram Engagement” or “Why 80% of New Businesses Fail (And How to Avoid It)”
The Comparative Title (This vs. That)“Freelancing vs. Full-Time Job: Which is Right for You?” or “Mac vs. PC: Which is the Best Choice for Graphic Designers?”

What Is a Catchy Headline?

An example of a catchy blog post title

So, you’re scrolling through your favorite news feed, and BAM! A headline grabs your attention like a magnet. You just can’t help but click on it. That is the magic of a catchy headline.

A catchy headline is like a flashy sign outside a store. It’s the thing that makes you stop, look, and walk in. See the headline of a blog post should persuade people to read it. In other words, your headline makes people read the rest of your content.

Why Catchy Headlines Matter?

Let’s take a look at some reasons you need to invest in creating catchy blog titles:

  1. Attracts Readers: A catchy headline pulls readers in to read the rest of your article.
  2. Boosts SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) loves catchy headlines. Include keywords, and you’re golden.
  3. Makes a Good First Impression: First impressions matter, right? A catchy headline sets the tone for what comes next.

For more insights, don’t miss this fantastic blog post: How to Write Blog Post Titles. You’ll find awesome tips and tricks that’ll turn you into a headline expert.

15 Types of Blog Post Titles You Must Know

Now that you know some basics read the rest to get some ideas for your next blog posts.

#1 – The Listicle Title

listicle blog post title example

Alright, let’s start things with a classic: the listicle title. You’ve seen them, clicked on them, and probably even shared them.

For instance, “10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity” or “5 Best Pizza Places in New York” – sound familiar?

Why do they work? Simple. They’re clear, concise and tell the reader exactly what they’re in for. Plus, they promise multiple takeaways, which is like a magnet for curious people.

But here’s the secret sauce: the number. See, odd numbers, especially 5, 7, and 9, tend to perform better.

Why? No one really knows, but it’s a thing. And if you’re feeling adventurous, go big! “101 Ways to Cook Eggs” sounds a lot more enticing than “10 Ways to Cook Eggs,” right?

So, next time you’re crafting a title, consider the listicle approach. It’s a tried and true method that’s sure to get clicks. Just remember to deliver on your promise.

If you say you’ve got 7 tips, ensure you’ve got 7 solid, valuable tips. No fluff, no filler, just the good stuff.

And there you have it, the first type of blog post title that’s highly clickable: the listicle.

  • Use odd numbers, especially 5, 7, and 9. Usually, they perform better.
  • Go big if you can. A larger number can make your post seem more detailed and valuable.
  • Be specific. “5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity by 20%” is more enticing than “5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity.”
  • Deliver on your promise. If you promise 7 tips, make sure all 7 are valuable and actionable.

#2 – The “How to” Title

example of a how to blog post title

We’re rounding off our list with another classic – the “How to” title. These titles promise a step-by-step guide to achieving a specific goal.

For example, “How to Start a Successful Podcast from Scratch” or “How to Write a Novel in 30 Days” – these titles are all about providing a clear, actionable guide, and they’re incredibly effective.

Why? Because they’re practical. They provide a clear, step-by-step guide to achieving a specific goal, making it easier for the reader to take action.

But here’s the pickle: your guide needs to be good. No vague steps and no missing information. We’re talking clear, detailed, step-by-step instructions.

So, the next time you write a blog post that provides a step-by-step guide to achieving a specific goal, consider using a “How to” title. It’s a great way to attract readers and provide practical, actionable advice.

  • Provide a step-by-step guide. Ensure your title provides a clear, actionable guide to achieving a specific goal.
  • Be specific. Instead of “How to Write a Book,” try “How to Write a Mystery Novel in 30 Days.”
  • Promise practicality. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing practical, actionable advice.
  • Deliver on your promise. Your post should share a clear, step-by-step guide promised in your title.

#3 – The Inquisitive Title (What, Why, or How)

Inquisitive blog post title example

These are the titles that start with “What,” “Why,” or “How.” People love these titles because they create instant curiosity.

For instance, “What is Bitcoin and How Does it Work?” or “Why You Should Start Meditating Today” – these titles are practically begging to be clicked on!

Why are these blog titles effective? Well, they tap into our natural curiosity. Because they promise answers to our questions, solutions to our problems, and explanations for our confusion. And who doesn’t like that?

Also, you’ve got to deliver on that promise. If your title asks a question, your post better answer it. And not just answer it, but answer it well.

No vague, wishy-washy answers here. We’re talking about clear, concise, well-researched answers.

So, the next time you write a blog post that answers a question or explains a concept, consider using an inquisitive title. It’s great to attract readers searching for an answer on Google.

  • Ask a question. Make sure it’s a question your target audience is asking.
  • Be specific. Instead of “What is Yoga?” try “What is Vinyasa Yoga and How Can It Improve Your Health?”
  • Promise an answer. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing an answer or explanation.
  • Deliver on your promise. Ensure your post provides a clear, detailed answer to the question in your title.

#4 – The Comparative Title (This vs. That)

comparative blog post title example

Next on our list is the comparative title, the “this vs. that” of the title world. Let’s say, “Freelancing vs. Full-Time Job: Which is Right for You?” or “Mac vs. PC: Which is the Best Choice for Graphic Designers?” – these titles are all about comparison, and readers love them!

Why? Because they help us make decisions. They lay out the pros and cons, the benefits and drawbacks, and the apples and oranges. Furthermore, they give us the information to make a better choice.

But here’s the thing: you’ve got to be fair. No one-sided comparisons here. Both sides should be considered equally, and your conclusion should be based on facts, not personal bias.

So, the next time you write a blog post comparing two things, consider using a comparative title. It’s a great way to help readers decide which option is better.

  • Be fair. Give both sides equal consideration.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Cats vs. Dogs,” try “Cats vs. Dogs: Which Makes a Better Pet for Apartment Living?”
  • Promise a comparison. Your title should make it clear that you’re comparing two or more things.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides a clear, comprehensive comparison.

#5 – The Evidence-Based Title

evidence based article title example

These are the titles that pack a punch with data and facts. Like “15 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Instagram Engagement” or “Why 80% of New Businesses Fail (And How to Avoid It),” – these titles are all about the numbers, and they’re incredibly compelling.

Why do these blog titles work? Well, they’re credible. They’re not just making claims but backing them up with evidence. And in a world full of misinformation, that’s a breath of fresh air.

However, your data needs to be accurate. No fudging the numbers, no cherry-picking the facts. Your readers trust you to provide accurate information, so don’t let them down.

So, the next time you write a blog post that includes data or facts, consider using an evidence-based title.

  • Use accurate data. Make sure your numbers are correct and up-to-date.
  • Be specific. Instead of “How to Increase Your Sales,” try “How to Increase Your Sales by 25% in 30 Days.”
  • Promise evidence. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing data or facts.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides the evidence promised in your title.

#6 – The Title with Parentheses or Brackets

 Title with Parentheses example

These are the titles that add a little something extra. For instance, “Master the Art of Public Speaking (Free Workbook Included)” or “10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity (Number 7 Will Surprise You).”

Adding that extra bit of intrigue or value makes them more effective. I often use these parentheses on my blog post titles.

Why are they effective? Because they’re like a little secret whisper to the reader. They say, “Psst, there’s more to this post than meets the eye.” And who can resist that?

However, what’s inside those parentheses or brackets better be worth it. If you’re promising a free workbook, it better be good. If you’re promising a surprise, it better be surprising.

So, the next time you’re writing a blog post and have a little extra to offer, consider using a title with parentheses or brackets.

  • Add value or intrigue. Use parentheses or brackets to add something extra to your title.
  • Be specific. Instead of “(More Info Inside),” try “(Free Checklist Included).”
  • Promise something extra. Your title should make it clear that there’s more to your post than meets the eye.
  • Deliver on your promise. Ensure your post provides the extra value or intrigue promised in your title.

#7 – The Contrarian Title

Contrarian Title example

Alright, let’s shake things up a bit with the contrarian title. These are the titles that go against the grain. Like “Why Breakfast Isn’t the Most Important Meal of the Day” or “Forget Everything You Know About Weight Loss”

These titles are all about challenging common beliefs. Making people wonder, “What? Wait! That can’t be right?”

And they’re effective because they’re unexpected. These titles challenge our preconceived notions and make us question what we thought we knew. And that’s a powerful hook.

But if you challenge people’s beliefs, you better back them up with supporting evidence. No baseless arguments here. You want well-researched, well-argued, well-supported points.

I highly recommend testing these blog titles. Often they attract a lot of readers, and some of them even spark a debate.

  • Challenge the status quo. Make a statement that goes against common belief or accepted wisdom.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Why Traditional Diets Don’t Work,” try “Why Low-Fat Diets Don’t Work (And What to Do Instead).”
  • Promise a fresh perspective. Your title should make it clear that you’re offering a new take on a familiar topic.
  • Deliver on your promise. Ensure your post provides a well-reasoned, well-supported argument backing up your contrarian title.

#8 – The Answering Title

Answering Title example

These titles provide a clear answer to a specific question, such as “What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down on the Highway” or “How to Respond When a Client Asks for a Discount” – they should give clear and actionable advice.

These blog posts share a clear answer to a specific problem, and that’s incredibly valuable to a reader looking for help.

But here’s the key: your answer needs to be good. No vague, generic advice here. We’re talking about clear, actionable, specific steps your reader can take to solve their problem.

  • Answer a specific question. Ensure your title clearly answers a question your target audience is asking.
  • Be specific. Instead of “What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down,” try “What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down on the Highway.”
  • Promise a solution. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing a clear, actionable solution to a specific problem.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides the clear, actionable solution promised in your title.

#9 – The “Ultimate Guide” Title

ultimate blog post title

Next up, we’ve got the “Ultimate Guide” title. These blog post titles promise highly detailed, all-you-need-to-know type of content. Imagine “The Ultimate Guide to Plant-Based Diets” or “The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Photoshop” – these blog posts are often small books referred to as pillar content.

You should expect over 3,000 words up to 10,000 words in big-ass posts. These titles go in-depth on a specific topic. They should share statistics, case studies, and examples and provide step-by-step instructions or guidance.

And they work extremely well. Because they aren’t just providing a few tips or tricks. Instead, they promise to teach you everything you need to know about a topic (at least to get started).

But here’s the catch: you’ve got to deliver on that promise. If you call your post an “Ultimate Guide,” it better be ultimate. No leaving out important information, no glossing over details. Your readers trust you to provide a comprehensive guide, so make sure you deliver.

  • Be thorough. Make sure your post covers the topic in depth. Share case studies, examples, and step-by-step processes and provide as much information as possible.
  • Be specific. Instead of “The Ultimate Guide to Photography,” try “The Ultimate Guide to Landscape Photography for Beginners.”
  • Promise value. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing comprehensive information.

#10 – The “Secrets of” Title

secrets article title example

Who doesn’t like to read a title that promises to reveal hidden knowledge or insider tips? Like “Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs Revealed” or “The Secrets of Making Perfect Pasta Every Time,” – these titles push people to read because they want to learn something exclusive.

Also, they make the reader feel like they’re being let in on a secret, like they’re getting access to information that not everyone has.

However, to write a great “secret” blog post, you don’t want to share common and generic knowledge that even your grandma knows. I’m talking about real, valuable insider tips.

Often this requires you don’t spend some time in your niche until you have enough experience and knowledge to uncover those secrets. But these blog post titles perform extremely well.

  • Reveal hidden knowledge. Make sure your title promises to reveal secrets or insider tips.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Secrets of Cooking,” try “Secrets of Professional Chefs for Making Perfect Pasta.”
  • Promise exclusivity. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing exclusive information.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides the exclusive, valuable information promised in your title.

#11 – The “X Reasons Why” Title

reasons blog post title

Next on our list is the “X Reasons Why” title. These titles provide clear, numbered reasons for a particular statement or claim. For example, “5 Reasons Why You Should Start Meditating Today” or “7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Social Media Strategy” – these titles share clear, concise arguments and are super effective.

You might be wondering why they work. Well, because they’re logical. See,

they break down a statement or claim into clear, understandable reasons. This makes it easier for the reader to understand and agree with your point.

But remember, these posts should be straight to the point. So, no fluff and filler. In fact, you should keep that in mind for every blog post you write.

  • Provide clear reasons. Ensure your title promises to provide clear, logical reasons for a particular statement or claim.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Reasons Why You Should Exercise,” try “5 Reasons Why Exercise Can Boost Your Mood and Productivity.”
  • Promise logic. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing a logical argument.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides the clear, logical reasons promised in your title.

#12 – The “Best of” Title

best of blog post title example

Moving on, we’ve got the “Best of” title. These titles promise to provide the best options or choices in a particular category. “Best of Vegan Restaurants in New York City” or “Best of Budget-Friendly SEO Tools” – these blog post titles must provide top-notch recommendations.

And readers love them because they save time. They don’t need to spend time researching. No, instead, they get a curated list of the best options.

These posts are ideal for the best X products or services in a particular niche. Where you give a small summary of each item. Often they become your blog’s money maker because you can include several affiliate links.

So, anytime you write a blog post with recommendations or choices, consider using a “Best of” title.

  • Provide top-notch recommendations. Ensure your title provides the best options or choices in a particular category.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Best SEO Tools,” try “31 Best SEO Tools For 2023.”
  • Promise quality. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing top-notch recommendations.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides the high-quality recommendations promised in your title.

#13 – The “X Things You Need to Know” Title

X Things You Need To Know Title example

We’ve got the “X Things You Need to Know” title. These titles promise to provide essential information on a particular topic.

Imagine “10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Keto Diet” or “5 Things You Need to Know About Buying Your First Home” – they work extremely well because people feel they must know this info.

Otherwise, they’re missing out on important knowledge.

However, you want these blog titles to share essential information. They typically work particularly well for beginner audiences. Who must learn some basic knowledge before moving forward.

  • Provide essential information. Ensure your title gives crucial, need-to-know information on a particular topic.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Things You Need to Know About Dieting,” try “10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Keto Diet.”
  • Promise value. Your title should make it clear that you’re providing valuable, essential information.
  • Deliver on your promise. Make sure your post provides the crucial, need-to-know information promised in your title.

#14 – The “X Ways to” Title

ways blog post title example

Alright, here’s another killer blog title – the “X Ways to” title. These titles promise multiple methods or strategies for achieving a particular goal.

For instance, “7 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Following” or “5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health” – these titles are all about providing a variety of solutions, and they’re incredibly appealing.

Why is that? Because they offer choice. See, they acknowledge that there’s more than one way to achieve a goal, and they give the reader the freedom to choose the method that best suits them.

However, you want to explain several effective ways. We’re talking about proven, practical ways to achieve a goal.

  • Provide multiple methods. Ensure your title promises several solutions for achieving a particular goal.
  • Be specific. Instead of “Ways to Lose Weight,” try “7 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Without Going to the Gym.”
  • Make sure your post provides the effective, practical methods promised in your title.

#15 – The “Review” Title

review blog post title example

Let’s dive into another type of title that readers can’t resist – the “Review” title. These titles promise an honest evaluation of a specific product, service, or experience.

Such as “iPhone 11 Review 2023” or “Neuronwriter Review – Is this a good SEO too

Plus, they can be huge money markers because you can promote these reviews through affiliate marketing.

I suggest you try out these products before you promote them. Often many products or services offer a free trial. You try them out for a few days, and then you can share your personal opinion.

And these reviews work well because they help your readers save time and potentially money.

But here’s the deal: your review needs to be honest. No sugarcoating, no bias. We’re talking real, honest feedback. That’s what readers look for.

  • Provide an honest evaluation. Ensure your title promises to provide an unbiased review of a specific product, service, or experience.”
  • Try out the product or service to get a genuine understanding of it before writing your review.

Last Thoughts

And there you have it; we went through the most common and clickable blog post titles. From questions to lists, from how-tos to reviews. We’ve covered 15 types of titles that’ll make your readers stop, click, and read.

It’s all about knowing your audience, crafting that perfect phrase, and delivering on your promise. So go on, take these tips, and run with them.

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Also, dive into that blog post I mentioned earlier, or better yet, start experimenting with your titles.

Just play around with words, test different formats, and see what works better with your readers. One of the best ways to learn is by doing it.

If you have any questions, leave them below. I’ll reply as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 – Does a Blog Post Need a Title?

You bet it does! You should think of a blog post title as the welcome mat for your content. It’s the first thing readers see, and it has to be good.

See, a well-crafted title can attract readers, spark interest, and get more engagement. Plus, let’s not forget about SEO. Always include your main keywords to help search engines better understand your content.

2 – Should a Blog Have a Title?

Well, your written and visual content as a blogger is protected by copyright law since it’s your original work. But when it comes to your blog name and logo, that’s a different ball game. These need something called a trademark.

Now, you might be wondering, “Should I trademark my blog name?” If you’re pouring your heart and soul into your blog, and especially if you’re making some cash from it, then yeah, why not protect your identity and stay clear of legal problems down the road?

The fact is trademarking your blog name can help you build brand awareness, gain exclusive rights, and even use that ® registered trademark symbol.

3 – How Long Should Blog Title Be?

You want it long enough to convey the essence but short enough to keep things snappy. So here’s the golden rule: the ideal blog post title length is around 60 characters.

Yep, that’s the sweet spot. Also, titles between 8 and 12 words get shared most often on Twitter, and those between 12 and 14 words are liked most on Facebook.

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