lowfruits review

LowFruits.io Review – Can You Easily Find Long-Tail Keywords?

Last Updated on May 17, 2023 by Jordan Alexo

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Are you tired of spending hours trying to find profitable keywords with low competition? Well, you’re not alone!

Many people struggle with this same issue, which can be incredibly frustrating. But there is hope!

Lowfruits.io offers an easy solution that will help you quickly uncover valuable search terms without breaking the bank.

In this review, I’ll show you how Lowfruits works and why it’s worth considering if you want to save time and effort while finding more low-hanging fruit than other keyword research tools.

So read on to learn more about this amazing tool!

lowfruits review

Powerful Budget-Friendly Keyword Research Tool

Lowfruits.io is a keyword research tool to help you find profitable search terms with low competition. It has a user-friendly interface ideal for beginners. Plus, it’s inexpensive, and you get ten free credits to try it before committing.

With this Lowfruits, you can quickly find low-hanging fruits that aren’t visible with other keyword research tools.

4.6 out of 5
Best ForSEO
PriceStarts at $25 for 2000 credits

If you’d like to learn about the best AI SEO tools out there, read here.

What Is LowFruits.io?

LowFruits.io is a keyword research tool that can help you find relevant and less challenging keywords for your website.

It uses advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to create a list of keyword suggestions based on your main keywords.

Also, it analyzes crucial metrics, such as:

  • Search Volume
  • Competition
  • CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

One of the most important and unique metrics is “Weak Spots.” This lets you quickly find vulnerabilities in your competitors’ web-pages optimization. For instance, if their meta title is properly SEO or not.

low fruits weak spots

If you find an area where your competitors are weak, you can create better content than theirs. This will help you rank higher on Google for that search term.

The best part is the simplicity of the LowFruits user interface. As soon as you get in, you can easily do keyword research without spending hours trying to understand complex interfaces.

Besides, this company provides affordable pricing plans ideal for people just entering the digital marketing world.

And who seek a solution to increase their online visibility by SEO (search engine optimizing) their website’s content with relevant and low competition keywords.

Try LowFruits Today

Why Is It Important To Use LowFruits For Your Business?

Anyone interested in growing their online business month after month needs tools that provide reliable data and analytics. So let’s see why LowFruits is an awesome keyword tool:

1) Find Relevant Keywords

LowFruits helps you quickly discover relevant keywords for your niche or industry. The tool offers keyword search suggestions and evaluates them by the Weak Spots metric.

2) Low-Hanging Fruit

If you have a new website, you can’t expect to target challenging keywords and crush your competition. It simply won’t happen! A website takes time until Google starts trusting it.

With LowFruits, you can find low-hanging fruit (weaker keywords) and start ranking organically on Google. This way, you can get an advantage over your competitors and benefit from organic traffic as soon as possible.

3) Budget-Friendly

Lowfruits is a cost-effective keyword research solution compared to other tools on the market. You purchase the credits you need and start using the tool. So, there are no monthly fees that you need to pay whether you use the tool or not.

4) Save Time

Searching for keywords often consumes a good chunk of your time. Especially if you’re using free tools, LowFruits automates this process and lets you quickly generate a list of keywords with low competition.

Besides, it provides all the data you need in one place.

5) Get More Traffic

Instead of wasting your time writing content that won’t ever see the light of day, you can use Lowfruits to find low-competition keywords your business can easily rank for.

As a result, you’ll notice a gradual growth in organic traffic over time. One of the biggest reasons many new websites fail is that they target the wrong keywords.

Try LowFruits Today

Best Features Of LowFruits.io

Now that you have a basic understanding of LowFruits, let’s closely examine its main features.

1) LowFruits Keyword Finder (KWFinder)

kwfinder 1

This feature alone makes Lowfruits one of the most powerful keyword research tools out there. It helps you analyze search volume and competition for different keywords.

I enjoy that it’s easy to understand the data and quickly determine which keywords are most profitable for my business.

Compared to other popular tools like SEMRush or, worse, Google Keyword Planner, LowFruits offers the same data in a much simpler way.

2) Weak Spots

determine your competitions weaknesses

This is one of my favorite features. It helps you quickly find weak spots in your competitors’ SEO web pages. It analyses each keyword’s search engine results pages and describes where your business can easily beat the competition.

For instance, some of the posts on the front page of results may lack proper optimization or have low domain ratings that you can easily outrank with fresh content and some backlinks.

3) Import Feature

import feature lowfruits

You can easily import up to 5000 keywords from another tool or a spreadsheet. This is especially useful if you have researched keywords and want to analyze the data with LowFruits.

4) Keyword Reports

lowfruits report

You can easily access all the data with keyword reports whenever you need to check your previous keyword research results.

5) Your Website

lowfruits your site

This feature tells if your website is ranking for keywords you analyze with KWFinder. For example, you have a post about “online marketing for small businesses,” and you want to know if it is ranking or not.

LowFruits will tell you exactly how well your website is doing in the search results.

Try LowFruits Today

LowFruits Pricing

lowfruits pricing

As I mentioned before, you purchase credits. Often with other SEO tools, you have a monthly fee, whether you use the tool or not. This can become costly if you don’t use the software regularly.

With LowFruits, you only purchase the credits you need. So, if you don’t use this tool for a month or more, once you come back, you still have the same credits you left in your account.

You use these credits to analyze further details about each search term. This is a great way to save money while getting the insights you need for SEO.

  • $25 gives you 2000 credits
  • $60 gives you 5000 credits
  • $100 gives you 10 000 credits
  • $250 gives you 50 000

The more credits you buy, the cheaper the overall cost gets. Also, you can register an account now to get ten free credits. There’s no better way to test a product like this and see if it fits your business.

Try LowFruits Today

LowFruits Alternatives

Let’s take a look at a few Lowfruits alternatives. These keyword tools offer similar features, but you must pay a monthly fee. Check each one and see if an alternative may be better for you.

1) SEMRush vs. Lowfruits

semrush vs lowfruits

Both tools can help you find longtail keyword ideas for your online business. However, SEMRush is what we call an all-in-one SEO Tool. This means it comes packed with all the bells and whistles you need in one place, such as:

  • Competitors Analyze: you check their backlink profile, ranking keywords, and more.
  • Keyword Gap: Let you see which keywords your competition is targeting that you are not.
  • Keyword Tracking: Monitor your ranking keywords and compare them to the competition

On the other hand, Lowfruits is a simple-minded keyword research tool that requires you to buy credits. So, which one should you choose?

Well, if you want a more complex tool with multiple valuable features, then SEMRush is the one you should pick. Otherwise, if you just want to do keyword research and save money while doing it, then Lowfruits is the right choice.

Try SEMrush Today

2) Ahrefs vs. Lowfruits

ahrefs vs lowfruits

Ahrefs and SEMrush are similar tools. Both are all-in-one SEO tools, and Ahrefs also packs some extra features, such as:

  • Content Explorer: Locate the best-performing content related to your keywords
  • Backlink Checker: Analyze your website’s backlink profile.
  • Site Audit: Scan your website for optimization mistakes and suggest improvements.

So once again, the reason to pick Ahrefs over Lowfruits depends if you want a complete SEO tool or just keyword research.

Try Ahrefs Today

3) Ubersuggest vs. Lowfruits

ubersuggest vs lowfruits

Ubersuggest is another popular tool from Neil Patel. It has a unique approach to keyword research, and it also includes sophisticated search volume and CPC data from multiple sources.

The downside is that Ubersuggest doesn’t come packed with the extra features that SEMRush and Ahrefs have. Still, it comes with more features than LowFruits.io.

For instance, A/B Testing Calculator, SEO review tool, and website traffic estimator. Also, Ubersuggest is now integrating AI-powered tools such as sentence and paragraph rewriter.

Furthermore, you have an awesome browser extension that helps you analyze any web page’s SEO.

So what’s your pick? Ubersuggest is a good tool if you want something with extra features but less expensive than Ahrefs and SEmrush.

Try Ubersuggest Today

LowFruits Pros And Cons

Let’s quickly dig into the pros and cons of this keyword research tool.

LowFruits Pros

  • Powerful Keyword Research Tool: LowFruits lets you easily discover relevant longtail keywords you wouldn’t have thought otherwise. It also shows your competition’s weaknesses so that you may outrank them.
  • Reduces Your Research Time: Using this tool allows you to save time and automate your keyword research process
  • User-Friendly Interface: Compared to other similar tools, Lowfruits has one of the easiest interfaces. Even people who aren’t tech-savvy can get the hang of it after a few minutes.
  • Inexpensive: It’s an inexpensive tool with credits that you can purchase as needed.
  • 10 Free Credits: You can sign up and get ten free credits to try the tool. It isn’t much, but you can still get a taste of it.

LowFruits Cons

  • Too Simplist: Lowfruits is meant for keyword research and does that brilliantly. So don’t expect to have features to analyze your competition, keyword tracking, and other more sophisticated options.
  • No Integration: You can’t integrate with other SEO tools, making keeping track of your ranking data challenging.

My Step-By-Step Process To Find Crazy Low Competition Keywords

I’m going to show you my secret method for finding profitable keywords with low competition.

Step 1) KWFinder

I chose the KWFinder option and inserted my broad seed keyword, “Low Domain Authority.”

  • Country: United States
  • Language: English

Of course, if you’re targeting another country, you can choose that one instead.

kwfinder step 1

In advanced options, I exclude Reddit, Quora, and Facebook. I don’t want to get search terms from those websites.

Max Authority: You should either add your website or domain rating. You can use Ahrefs domain authority checker to see your site’s DR.

Lastly, I push the bottom and let Lowfruits do the rest. Once done, you want to select “Access All Keyword Ideas.” You shouldn’t use the other option. Otherwise, your credits will vanish quickly.

Step 2) Filter Your Own Keywords

Click “Fetch Volume” in the top corner to obtain the monthly search traffic for each search term. Now, let’s filter our results so that we can find our low-hanging fruits.

kwfinder step 2
  • Words: Minimum 3
  • High Intent Keywords (optional): If you want to find keywords with commercial intent, make sure to add the intent filter.
  • Volume: 10 (I know this may sound like little traffic. But from my experience, these keywords often receive more monthly traffic than estimated)

After filtering everything, I’m only with a couple of keywords. Let’s go to the next step.

Step 3) Analyze Your Keyword Difficulty

You can use one credit on each search term to extract the SERP information and analyze your competition’s weak spots. So, pick the most appealing keywords and click the “Analyze” button. It may take a minute or two to finish.

Okay, so I’m going to analyze the data found.

kwfinder step 3
  • “Increasing Domain Authority” shows “no weak spots were found.”
  • “Page Authority Meaning” we have four low fruits. You may hover over each fruit and get more details, as shown below.

The first fruit tells me that the second-page ranking on the SERP for “page authority meaning” has a lower domain rating than my website. Also, the meta title doesn’t match the search query.

Based on this data, I could write a blog post about “Page Authority Meaning” and rank on the first page if I optimize my title tag.

So, you can easily save time and effort and discover more low-hanging fruits than other keyword research tools.

LowFruits Review Conclusion: Should You Get LowFruits?

Lowfruits.io is awesome to help you find profitable keywords without spending hours and affordably.

Also, it has a user-friendly interface that lets any beginner quickly get the hang of it. Plus, you get ten free credits to try the tool before committing.

The downside is that it may seem too simple for more experienced users who need keyword tracking and competition analysis tools. And you can’t integrate it with other SEO tools.

I like using Lowfruits, and it has assisted me in finding low-tail keywords I wouldn’t have thought otherwise.

If you’re looking for a simple and powerful keyword research tool, I recommend Lowfruits.io. Give it a try and see if it’s right for you.

Do you have any questions? Leave them in the comments below, and Jordan Alexo is excited to answer them.

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